Frequently Asked Questions

You will find below the most frequently asked questions about this app.

If you don't find an answer feel free to contact us.

What can I find on this app?

This app gathers results from all XTERRA World Championship qualifying races (Full and Long Distance) since 2018 and all XTERRA races (qualifying and non-qualifying) since 2024.

How can I find my results?

You can either search for your name using the search bar to see all of your results on your profile page or you can search for a specific the event using the name of the event or its location.

What is the World Performance Index (WPI) and how is it calculated?

World Performance Index is a formula-driven scoring system that is calculated on every XTERRA World Championship qualifying race and that is used to determine regional rankings, elite status, and more.

The formula takes into account several points such as the field quality, the number of participants, the difficulty of the race, the race conditions, the status of the race (regional, championship, World Cup...), the gap between the time of the athletes and the time of the winner.

You can find more details about the WPI here

When was WPI created?

After 2 years of development and testing, the WPI was officially launched on February 26, 2020.

What is the XTERRA World Ranking?

The XTERRA World Ranking is a scoring system using World Performance Index to rank athletes from all around the world even if they didn't race the same events.

You can find more details about the WPI here

How is the XTERRA World Ranking calculated?

XWR is calculated using the average of the 2 best WPI from an athlete during the last 24 months.

How are regional tours rankings calculated?

Rankings for regional tours (APAC, Americas and EMEA) are calculated using the best performance (WPI) from an athlete in a race from the regional series in a season.

Depending on the tour a minim number of race to compete is required to be ranked in a tour (2 for APAC, 3 for Americas and EMEA).

A loyalty bonus is also applied for each race an athlete participates in beyond the minimum required.

You can find more details about each regional tour on xterraplanet.com

Why are some of my results missing?

The app only gathers XTERRA World Championship qualifying races (Full and Long Distance) since 2018 and all XTERRA races since 2024.

If you cannot see one of your results from these events on your profile, you may have two profiles if some of the information provided to the organizer have been different (name spelling, date of birth, nationality...).

If this happens please contact us to merge your profiles.

Can I submit my photo for my profile page?

Yes please! Feel free to send us your photo.

Your profile photo must be larger than 1mb but less than 3mb, be sure your face is clear and in focus and name the photo with your name (i.e. firstname_lastname.jpg).

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